Closing Notes Well, that's it from Happle for another month, and as far as editorship goes, that's it from me. Don't worry, though because I'll still hang around as part of the back-room staff, writing a few articles and working on the mailing list. I feel right now that I should say it's been a blast, but to be honest it hasn't. I never fully appreciated how difficult it is for Hackmac to put this zine out every month. The truth is, I didn't manage to accomplish this feat myself. The issue you are reading right now should have been out a month ago. Of course I could make excuses for myself and say that real-life commitments hampered me in my efforts to write the zine. I wouldn't be lying, because school is an absolute nightmare right now. But more than that, I found the biggest problem with making a zine is getting off your ass and writing the thing. That's not to say I wouldn't love to do it again some time :) While we're on the subject of making excuses, I have another confession. Sit down, 'cause it's a biggy. Every article I've written for this zine has been either completely unrelated to hacking or so simple that a fish could write it (example - the article on mail spoofing was actually written by a small brook trout :). Now this in itself is not a particularly sinful act. No, what I'm ashamed of is giving you these articles under false pretenses. You see whenever I talk to someone about the stuff I've written for Happle, I've made some sort of lame excuse (usually along the lines of 'yeah, but I write for newbies). Bah. The fact of the matter is my articles have been written by a fool. Now just think about it - if a buerk like me can get my stuff published then all you 31337 types will be treated like gods! So please, Hackmac can't write this thing on his own, and I'm running out of lame subjects to cover. We need your submissions! Well, that was certainly *one* way of getting my point across. Now I'd better erase the last two paragraphs or my cover will be blown... Well folks, until next time, I bid you farewell. Jambo